The First images from the James Webb Space Telescope were released last week (July 11th, 2022). By imaging a massive galaxy or galaxies one can enhance the background light by ‘gravitational lensing’ (predicted by Einstein). That is, there is so much mass there in the foreground that space time is bent, and so photons are bent around/follow this distorted space time and amplified around the massive objects. Remember, or know for the first time, photons don’t rest, they have no mass so they only follow move in a straight line and so they follow space time. They aren’t attracted to massive objects per se and so their trajectory won’t bend. The ‘lensing’ allows us to see those curved red-shifted images of the red galaxies that are over 13 billion years old in a universe only 13.8 billion years old. These are only the first scratch images, imagine what new science we will learn.