Take a Tour of our laboratory and the surroundings


Our laboratory is situated on the 6th floor of the Katz Building and Center for Health Research at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We are a part of the Li Ka Shing Institute of Virology formed in 2010 thanks to sizable donations from the Li Ka Shing Foundation and The Government of Alberta.

The Katz Center for Health Research and the Edmonton Skyline

Edmonton through the seasons

American Thoracic Society Conference, San Diego, 2024

American Thoracic Society Conference, San Diego, 2024

The Big M (Me) and my good friend Dr. McDonough (Prof at McMaster University ) at the Kansas City BBQ in San Diego. This is where part of the movie Top Gun was filmed. Remarkably good food at super inexpensive prices.

Some beautiful flora outside the conference center

The Midway Museum and Memorial at dusk

RSV2022 Belfast, Northern Ireland

Graduate student Ryley McClelland front and center with his presentation on TLR7 and RSV

Images from the Pacific Coast Protease Meeting in Borrego Springs, California, April 2022

The Banquet at the Canadian Society for Virology meeting 2022 - Fort Edmonton Park, June 7th, 2022

The meeting was a resounding success with over 300 attendees, held in Edmonton, Alberta at the University. We heard about bee viruses, plant viruses and of course there was a riveting Monkey pox update from Drs. Vanessa Meier Stephenson and David Evans. This included enlightening discussion from Dr. Marco Vignuzzi @VignuzziLab on the dangers of stigmatization and infectious disease.